Someone comes into a room, takes out a gun, points it at you and says: “You! You right there! Show me what you love! What’s your passion? Right now! Show me what it looks like when you live your passion!” The gunman is asking about your ability to walk the talk. Most of us are… Continue reading The Wise Gunman Demands Your Integrity
Tag: intent
What Can the Flow State Do For You?
Freewriting is an entry point into the flow state Sounds mystical, magical, amazing. It is! It’s also really simple. Is it bad that the technique is simple? Well, I would argue that only the simple techniques are going to prove accessible and reliable when you really need something to turn to. Simplicity is a huge… Continue reading What Can the Flow State Do For You?
Freewrite Instead of Sitting and Thinking
The more you freewrite, the more you become yourself. Unburdened writing gets you in touch with your own voice. Through the ongoing practice of writing without constraint, being totally free, you learn to trust your inner wisdom. When you freewrite… Nobody is telling you how to write or how you should sound or what makes… Continue reading Freewrite Instead of Sitting and Thinking
The Writing Life Is An Adventure. Set Goals!
“If asked whether I ever knew among the intellectual, a happy man, Blake would be the only one who would immediately occur to me.” -Some guy who knew William Blake I hope that when you reach your deathbed you will have the opportunity to look back at a life lived to the full. Not merely… Continue reading The Writing Life Is An Adventure. Set Goals!
How to Enter the Flow State While Writing
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. Leonardo da Vinci It’s funny to think of the flow state as something that people study in laboratories. For me, my notion of the laboratory seems such an official place with… Continue reading How to Enter the Flow State While Writing