Interesting things emerge from inviting opposites into the same space. Delicious recipes often involve stirring together very different ingredients. This is the kind of freewriting exercise that is as much about stirring up potential material as it is about simply getting into a state. Just as a singer needs to warm up his/her voice, a… Continue reading Freewriting Exercise: ‘I Remember’ and ‘I Want’
Author: Stephen Lloyd Webber
Debunking Writer’s Block: Your Writing Must Be Functional (Part 2)
To break through the block that you’re experiencing, try this simple formula: Write without stopping, no matter what. Stay in the present; perceive, don’t judge. Focus where you want to go. These are the fundamentals of depth freewriting. Write without stopping. Continue moving forward, even if: you don’t know what you want to say you… Continue reading Debunking Writer’s Block: Your Writing Must Be Functional (Part 2)
Debunking Writer’s Block: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (Part 1)
The beliefs underlying writer’s block Writer’s block comes in many forms. The most obvious form is the “total stop” kind of writer’s block where even if you wanted to write something, you just can’t. Writer’s block also takes other, more subtle forms. Sometimes it is merely a palpable constriction in your motivation to write. In… Continue reading Debunking Writer’s Block: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (Part 1)
Freewriting Exercise: Get Sensual With Sound
For this exercise, the main constraint is the auditory element. Freewrite for ten or twenty minutes (at least), focused only on the sense of sound. As you write, really get into the feeling of the sound. You might listen to music and write the way a song feels. You might say nothing about the music,… Continue reading Freewriting Exercise: Get Sensual With Sound
Freewriting Exercise: Use Visuals (Photography, Illustrations)
Images are a great resource for writers to take advantage of. With tools like Pinterest and Google Image Search, it’s trivial to dig up all sorts of useful images relevant to just about any element of a story. [bctt tweet=”The more you are able to draw from life, the less you have to invent, and… Continue reading Freewriting Exercise: Use Visuals (Photography, Illustrations)