To break through the block that you’re experiencing, try this simple formula: Write without stopping, no matter what. Stay in the present; perceive, don’t judge. Focus where you want to go. These are the fundamentals of depth freewriting. Write without stopping. Continue moving forward, even if: you don’t know what you want to say you… Continue reading Debunking Writer’s Block: Your Writing Must Be Functional (Part 2)
Tag: purpose
A Rant About the Small Ways We Think Big
He knows himself greatly who never opposes his genius William Blake I’m writing today to see if I can add something to the ongoing discussions people have around goal setting and achievement. I’m basing this post on my own experience of pursuing various goals at various stages. I have experienced hits and misses based on… Continue reading A Rant About the Small Ways We Think Big
Stop Trying To Do Everything By Yourself
Solopreneuring can be a beautiful thing. Instagram depicts the blissed-out lifestyles of the indie creative. Hipsters able to live their dream of selling handmade whatnots while vandwelling in the Ozarks. Shiny and successful location-independent podcasters who send out fresh doses of inspiration while beach-hopping around the world. Youtube stars who have discovered “the trick.” The… Continue reading Stop Trying To Do Everything By Yourself