When you are faced with a complicated task, it can feel all the more daunting because of how multi-faceted it is. Every time your mind turns toward this project, you can’t make sense of it. Your thinking around it feels tangled in the layers of project management that seem to be required to get everything… Continue reading Freewriting Exercise: Finding Clarity About A Complicated Project
Author: Stephen Lloyd Webber
Freewriting Exercise for Uncovering Hidden Emotions
What are you feeling right now? Maybe you are interested. Maybe you’re bored. Maybe you’re not really feeling anything. I used to think that I was just feeling one thing. I used to believe that I was a pretty rational guy. I didn’t think I had emotional problems. But I do. And so do you.… Continue reading Freewriting Exercise for Uncovering Hidden Emotions
Freewriting Exercise- Find Your Life Goals
One of the most powerful freewriting exercises I know of is also the most straightforward. The exercise is for finding your life goals and developing a plan for achieving them. Why use freewriting? Freewriting is a way of writing that gets around the common blocks and mental barriers. Because you are writing without stopping, you… Continue reading Freewriting Exercise- Find Your Life Goals
How Writers Break Through the Flow State’s Crusty Outer Layer
One way to think about writing: You’re inputting text. From this standpoint, if you want to write faster, you need to type faster. But so much of the actual time it takes to write something doesn’t merely depend on whether you can type fast, but whether you can write seamlessly. Of course this means not… Continue reading How Writers Break Through the Flow State’s Crusty Outer Layer
Freewrite Your Path to Creative Independence
What is creative independence? I use the term to mean things like location independence financial independence generally, your life on your terms a free mind being empowered to share your message and vision with the world The exercise that can change your life Everyone has ambitions, desires, and goals that appeal uniquely to them. Some… Continue reading Freewrite Your Path to Creative Independence