Without a doubt, freewriting is the most direct method for productivity as a writer. When you freewrite you get to head straight to the source and write without stopping. Generally people see freewriting as a rigid or constrained exercise where you make yourself write without stopping. My suggestion is … yes, write without stopping, but… Continue reading Try This Freewriting Exercise to Warm Up and Make Discoveries
The Advantage of Immersion Learning and Freewriting
My language immersion weekend Due to some strange turn of events that could have only happened in the 1990s, I recall going to a weekend camp with my German language class where for the entire weekend we were to speak only German. It was my first year of taking German classes, so it made for… Continue reading The Advantage of Immersion Learning and Freewriting
How Daily Freewriting Stokes the Inner Fire
Everybody in the world has the same conviction of inner importance, fire, of the god within. The tragedy is that either they stifle their fire by not believing in it and using it; or they try to prove to the world and themselves that they have it, not inwardly and greatly, but externally and egotistically,… Continue reading How Daily Freewriting Stokes the Inner Fire
What’s the Difference Between Open and Focused Freewriting?
Open Freewriting Open freewriting is completely openended. You just write. The simplicity of methodology doesn’t mean that you are limited to what can emerge. With open freewriting, it is especially true that anything can happen. Open freewriting is a place for you to be wild, chaotic, totally free, totally present. Always in the act of… Continue reading What’s the Difference Between Open and Focused Freewriting?
Perfectionism, Burnout, and Finishing What You Start
I don’t know about you, but I love to start new projects. It’s almost like a high I get from some drug. I see the whole world through a different lens. It’s not just me that feels inspired. Everything looks different to me. Anything seems doable. At first when you begin a new writing project… Continue reading Perfectionism, Burnout, and Finishing What You Start