I don’t know about you, but if I pick up something by one of the Beats I get a sense of vitality in the kind of writing they were doing. Like this excerpt from On the Road: the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to… Continue reading What Ol’ Jack Kerouac Brings to the Freewriter’s Table
How to Expand Time During Your Freewrite
When I freewrite, I “engage the flow.” I am willing to accept what comes. I am receptive, I let things go. I am present to the moment. I engage a sense of intentionality to write for a given purpose and images and words just happen spontaneously. I write what’s there in the moment. When I… Continue reading How to Expand Time During Your Freewrite
Navigating the Outline of a Messy Draft
I wrote previously about the benefits of keeping a file of topic ideas. Basically like a compost pile, a document where you can throw all sorts of material into and transform rough pieces into polished drafts. Maybe that document sounds like it would be a headache to make sense of. A disaster waiting to happen.… Continue reading Navigating the Outline of a Messy Draft
Questions to Ask Your Writer’s Block
Do you want to move more deeply to get beneath the block… or let it go? Freewriting involves writing without stopping for some length of time. Sometimes it’s awesome, sometimes it sucks. If you freewrite for a long time, there are bound to be moments when you write things that no reader besides you will… Continue reading Questions to Ask Your Writer’s Block
Use Your Peripheral Vision! [Depth Freewriting Strategy]
A writer’s peripheral vision Sometimes the best ideas have to sneak up on you. You know the feeling. You’re doodling around with one thing or another, then WHAM! Like lightning, inspiration strikes. Eureka! You race forward with your new discovery. The world is forever changed. It’s a beautiful feeling, and it happens like magic. You… Continue reading Use Your Peripheral Vision! [Depth Freewriting Strategy]