One of the most common challenges faced by writers is how hard it can be to start writing something. You’re in the mood to write. You get a legal pad and a pen, brew a cup of coffee, and sit down. Your cat is assisting you by flapping her tail across your legal pad. You… Continue reading Why are Beginnings Hard? Try this Strategy to Break Into Your Writing
Use This 8-Part Workflow to Write a Book
Writing a book doesn’t have to be mega-super-crazy-killer impossible. It’s not an unachievable goal, especially if you break the writing process down into easy phases. Part of my core life vision is to make it easier for people to actualize their writing goals. It is my strong belief that I help make the world a… Continue reading Use This 8-Part Workflow to Write a Book
Your Inner Critic Wants A Challenge
When you write, do so with mad abandon. Give yourself full license to go wild and be as tangled and all over the place as necessary. Because it feels invigorating. A part of you craves the untamed fire of creation. You want it. The inner critic doesn’t know how to handle this untamed fire. It… Continue reading Your Inner Critic Wants A Challenge
How to Use Open Focus to Write More Freely
Unless you are writing for pure exploration, it’s generally important to have in mind a main idea. However, a common misconception is that your main idea needs to be fixed and rigid, like a box. Only the things that fit inside the box can be put there. Everything else gets edited away. You may write… Continue reading How to Use Open Focus to Write More Freely
Writing Isn’t Fun Anymore: 6 Ways to Squeeze Delicious Nectar Into Your Life
It’s not even “writer’s block.” You just don’t care. Writing no longer fuels you. Stacks of boring papers. Stacks of boring books. Boring letters on the screen. Unclear writing. Annoying mistakes. Blank, dead mind. Zero drive. Someone please come distract me. How to bring vitality back to your writing process Every writer I know goes… Continue reading Writing Isn’t Fun Anymore: 6 Ways to Squeeze Delicious Nectar Into Your Life