You’ve heard about the placebo effect, yeah? When people are given pills that do nothing yet they miraculously start to feel better? The key part of the placebo effect is that the people taking them don’t know the pills do nothing. The placebo effect is about believing that they’re receiving the medicine they need. Despite… Continue reading Is It Bad to Set Really High Goals?
Five Key Facets of Freewriting – [How to Freewrite]
Freewriting is a technique many people have heard about but few writers are really taking advantage of. I know of no other way of writing that offers as much potential for productivity and creative growth as freewriting does. It is also remarkably versatile. Freewriting is equally beneficial whether you want to just get a project… Continue reading Five Key Facets of Freewriting – [How to Freewrite]
Writers Blocked by Doubt, Try This Method Instead
You want to write but you feel blocked. The block tries to justify its existence. It wants to convince you that it needs to be there. It tends to come up again and again and follow the same patterns. It’s an energy drain that leads to familiar places. Try this freewriting method instead: Write to… Continue reading Writers Blocked by Doubt, Try This Method Instead
What you Need Now to Begin Your Freewriting Adventure
You don’t need much to dive into a freewriting session. You don’t even need to be wearing pants if you don’t want to. Unless you like to write in coffee shops. Unless the coffee shop has a permissive clothing policy. Anyway, you don’t need much. Here are some things you may want: a writing utensil… Continue reading What you Need Now to Begin Your Freewriting Adventure
Staying in the Flow – [Freewriting Mastery]
Every action should be a step towards depth, integrity, and mastery. That means doing one thing at a time. Nothing should get in the way of that single thing. Don’t try to switch back and forth between different tasks. I know it’s tempting! But don’t do that. Switching back and forth means: you drop the… Continue reading Staying in the Flow – [Freewriting Mastery]