Writers Blocked by Doubt, Try This Method Instead

You want to write but you feel blocked. The block tries to justify its existence. It wants to convince you that it needs to be there. It tends to come up again and again and follow the same patterns. It’s an energy drain that leads to familiar places. Try this freewriting method instead: Write to… Continue reading Writers Blocked by Doubt, Try This Method Instead

Staying in the Flow – [Freewriting Mastery]

Every action should be a step towards depth, integrity, and mastery. That means doing one thing at a time. Nothing should get in the way of that single thing. Don’t try to switch back and forth between different tasks. I know it’s tempting! But don’t do that. Switching back and forth means: you drop the… Continue reading Staying in the Flow – [Freewriting Mastery]

Writer’s Block: Needing to be Clever

I want to share an embarrassing story from my life because it’s a good illustration about how the philosophy of freewriting changed everything for me. When I was young, I was shy and reserved. Quiet. Withdrawn. I was richly imaginative, but I didn’t know how to relate with other people. I never took the initiative,… Continue reading Writer’s Block: Needing to be Clever