Writing brings immense highs and lows. This is true over the course of a writer’s career and even over the course of a single writing marathon. When you sit and write for two or more hours, there may be times when you feel fantastic and times when you feel completely lost. This post is for… Continue reading Freewrite When All Hope Is Lost
Tag: perfectionism
Perfectionism, Burnout, and Finishing What You Start
I don’t know about you, but I love to start new projects. It’s almost like a high I get from some drug. I see the whole world through a different lens. It’s not just me that feels inspired. Everything looks different to me. Anything seems doable. At first when you begin a new writing project… Continue reading Perfectionism, Burnout, and Finishing What You Start
When Should You Abandon a Project?
Trusting the process means being willing to let go when things change. Major life skills highlighted in this article: Willingness rather than willfulness. Applying yourself to the hilt while remaining receptive and adaptable. Checking in with your deepest values. Being real. Equanimity. Discerning when committing to something means redoubling your effort and when it means… Continue reading When Should You Abandon a Project?
If You’re Blocked, Defeat Your Inner Know-It-All
My inner know-it-all is a big obstacle for me. Maybe you can relate. When something new comes up, I want to be first to know. I have an insatiable need to figure things out. When I’m the first to blurt out the answer and everyone else notice, my inner know-it-all smiles. I hate to feel… Continue reading If You’re Blocked, Defeat Your Inner Know-It-All
The Habit that Blocks You from Finishing What You Start
How to max out your ability to follow through Everybody wants something in life. Very few people are making their visions a reality. I would say that Elon Musk is a bonafide example of someone who is actually going after what he wants. He has big goals. He’s different from nearly everyone in that he… Continue reading The Habit that Blocks You from Finishing What You Start