Trusting the process means being willing to let go when things change. Major life skills highlighted in this article: Willingness rather than willfulness. Applying yourself to the hilt while remaining receptive and adaptable. Checking in with your deepest values. Being real. Equanimity. Discerning when committing to something means redoubling your effort and when it means… Continue reading When Should You Abandon a Project?
Category: goals
The Writing Life Is An Adventure. Set Goals!
“If asked whether I ever knew among the intellectual, a happy man, Blake would be the only one who would immediately occur to me.” -Some guy who knew William Blake I hope that when you reach your deathbed you will have the opportunity to look back at a life lived to the full. Not merely… Continue reading The Writing Life Is An Adventure. Set Goals!
Just Forget About Your Goals
At least for today, give this a shot: Let go of all your stinkin’ bigshot goals. Completely let go. Drop ’em. Ah. There now. That feels better. Spacious. Now you have room to breathe. What should you do with this beautiful blank slate? Let’s see what happens when you invite something else. Ask yourself: What… Continue reading Just Forget About Your Goals
Inspiration’s Death Spiral Into Obligation
Something I have noticed in myself and in other writers who hold large ambitions: We start out a writing project with a sense of verve and inspiration. Everything comes easily. And then later at some point, things slow down. Inspiration turns into obligation. It feels like drudgery. Just another thing you have to do. This… Continue reading Inspiration’s Death Spiral Into Obligation
The Habit that Blocks You from Finishing What You Start
How to max out your ability to follow through Everybody wants something in life. Very few people are making their visions a reality. I would say that Elon Musk is a bonafide example of someone who is actually going after what he wants. He has big goals. He’s different from nearly everyone in that he… Continue reading The Habit that Blocks You from Finishing What You Start