To this perfection of nature in our poet we require exercise of those parts, exercitatio, and frequent. If his wit will not arrive suddenly at the dignity of the ancients, let him not yet fall out with it, quarrel, or be over hastily angry, offer to turn it away from study in humor; but come… Continue reading Self-Criticism Hacks for Writers
Tag: inner critic
The Quiet Ways We Say “I Can’t”
Sometimes I can catch them — the whispers and mumbles that tell me I can’t do something. Or I shouldn’t. But I want to! Is that my “inner parent?” Is it wisdom? I don’t often know. So I check in with myself. When I check in, I ask questions like: Is this boring or interesting?… Continue reading The Quiet Ways We Say “I Can’t”
The Writing Life Is An Adventure. Set Goals!
“If asked whether I ever knew among the intellectual, a happy man, Blake would be the only one who would immediately occur to me.” -Some guy who knew William Blake I hope that when you reach your deathbed you will have the opportunity to look back at a life lived to the full. Not merely… Continue reading The Writing Life Is An Adventure. Set Goals!
Your Inner Critic Wants A Challenge
When you write, do so with mad abandon. Give yourself full license to go wild and be as tangled and all over the place as necessary. Because it feels invigorating. A part of you craves the untamed fire of creation. You want it. The inner critic doesn’t know how to handle this untamed fire. It… Continue reading Your Inner Critic Wants A Challenge
Five Key Facets of Freewriting – [How to Freewrite]
Freewriting is a technique many people have heard about but few writers are really taking advantage of. I know of no other way of writing that offers as much potential for productivity and creative growth as freewriting does. It is also remarkably versatile. Freewriting is equally beneficial whether you want to just get a project… Continue reading Five Key Facets of Freewriting – [How to Freewrite]