To this perfection of nature in our poet we require exercise of those parts, exercitatio, and frequent. If his wit will not arrive suddenly at the dignity of the ancients, let him not yet fall out with it, quarrel, or be over hastily angry, offer to turn it away from study in humor; but come… Continue reading Self-Criticism Hacks for Writers
Tag: self-defeat
You’re Blocked About Finishing Your Book Because You Feel Mixed About Self-Publishing
First off, the main thing: You want to write a book! You are so cool. So… What’s stopping you from getting your stuff out there? Wherever you are in your book writing process, whether you are just starting out, somewhere in the middle, or sitting on a finished manuscript and researching book printing options… there’s… Continue reading You’re Blocked About Finishing Your Book Because You Feel Mixed About Self-Publishing
If You’re Blocked, Defeat Your Inner Know-It-All
My inner know-it-all is a big obstacle for me. Maybe you can relate. When something new comes up, I want to be first to know. I have an insatiable need to figure things out. When I’m the first to blurt out the answer and everyone else notice, my inner know-it-all smiles. I hate to feel… Continue reading If You’re Blocked, Defeat Your Inner Know-It-All
Inspiration’s Death Spiral Into Obligation
Something I have noticed in myself and in other writers who hold large ambitions: We start out a writing project with a sense of verve and inspiration. Everything comes easily. And then later at some point, things slow down. Inspiration turns into obligation. It feels like drudgery. Just another thing you have to do. This… Continue reading Inspiration’s Death Spiral Into Obligation