When Should You Abandon a Project?

Trusting the process means being willing to let go when things change. Major life skills highlighted in this article: Willingness rather than willfulness. Applying yourself to the hilt while remaining receptive and adaptable. Checking in with your deepest values. Being real. Equanimity. Discerning when committing to something means redoubling your effort and when it means… Continue reading When Should You Abandon a Project?

If You’re Blocked, Defeat Your Inner Know-It-All

My inner know-it-all is a big obstacle for me. Maybe you can relate. When something new comes up, I want to be first to know. I have an insatiable need to figure things out. When I’m the first to blurt out the answer and everyone else notice, my inner know-it-all smiles. I hate to feel… Continue reading If You’re Blocked, Defeat Your Inner Know-It-All

Stop Trying To Do Everything By Yourself

Solopreneuring can be a beautiful thing. Instagram depicts the blissed-out lifestyles of the indie creative. Hipsters able to live their dream of selling handmade whatnots while vandwelling in the Ozarks. Shiny and successful location-independent podcasters who send out fresh doses of inspiration while beach-hopping around the world. Youtube stars who have discovered “the trick.” The… Continue reading Stop Trying To Do Everything By Yourself

Where Do Good Ideas Come From?

It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects. Nikola… Continue reading Where Do Good Ideas Come From?