Feelings come and go. Everyone gets into low emotional states from time to time. Sometimes, though, people get stuck in negative emotional states. No matter what they try, it feels ineffectual, like trying to fight their way out of a paper sack. You’re here because you want to try something different. When you believe you… Continue reading When You Don’t Believe In Yourself, Try This
Tag: Clarity
Use Freewriting To Accomplish Impossible Goals
I like to set impossible goals and impossible expectations. Partly because it’s inspiring to achieve what was previously believed to be impossible. Huge goals are impressive. The shadow side of this tendency is to set impossible expectations because it leads to a kind of failure that supports my negative beliefs. It goes like this: I… Continue reading Use Freewriting To Accomplish Impossible Goals
How Daily Freewriting Stokes the Inner Fire
Everybody in the world has the same conviction of inner importance, fire, of the god within. The tragedy is that either they stifle their fire by not believing in it and using it; or they try to prove to the world and themselves that they have it, not inwardly and greatly, but externally and egotistically,… Continue reading How Daily Freewriting Stokes the Inner Fire
When Should You Abandon a Project?
Trusting the process means being willing to let go when things change. Major life skills highlighted in this article: Willingness rather than willfulness. Applying yourself to the hilt while remaining receptive and adaptable. Checking in with your deepest values. Being real. Equanimity. Discerning when committing to something means redoubling your effort and when it means… Continue reading When Should You Abandon a Project?
Stop Trying To Do Everything By Yourself
Solopreneuring can be a beautiful thing. Instagram depicts the blissed-out lifestyles of the indie creative. Hipsters able to live their dream of selling handmade whatnots while vandwelling in the Ozarks. Shiny and successful location-independent podcasters who send out fresh doses of inspiration while beach-hopping around the world. Youtube stars who have discovered “the trick.” The… Continue reading Stop Trying To Do Everything By Yourself